I think that Brad is being a bit too kind to financial-services-aware-Republicans. They are sophisticated enough to know that financial services require the appearance of strict regulation. But they are, uh, Republicans. They don't really believe in regulation, and hateHATE supervision. (I'll make the usual exception for Sheila Bair.)

Captain Renault is their model bank supervisor. But they'll take anybody who can keep the kayfabe going.

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Dear Billionaires,

I cannot believe that you are so greedy and so stupid to be concerned about marginal tax rates and carried interest that you cannot see Trump and his entourage as a threat to the law based liberal order in which (and because of which) you have thrived.

Please either write or point us to a single good faith and intelligent argument that makes the case for this would-be dictator as preferable to Biden.

Thank you.

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To the extent there are sane billionaires who like or tolerate him, they know he is inept and that there's zero chance of things like this actually happening. They like him because he probably _will_ minimize their taxes -- a task that takes little political skill. The actual grave danger, IMO, is Drumpf starting WWIII, which he almost did once, when he murdered Iran's military chief.

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Isn't Project 2025 and Trump's allies working to enable it, making his dictatorship more likely? I haven't seen the SCOTUS particularly interested to preventing that either.

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I'm not saying that doesn't matter or that the odds are zero. But do you really think much of it will be implemented? Personally, I think there's still a ruling class, and that its main demand is stability, so they can keep selling stuff. Trump is a Frankenstein's monster, not Frankenstein himself.

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I think you are making the mistake in thinking Trump is alone in wanting to do X, and teh billionaires "corectly" believe he cannot do more than reduce taxes. There are many players with different agendas who are intent on effectively breaking US democracy. When The Republican Party favors Victor Orban's approach to running Hungary and the Republican controlled HoR has "taken orders" from Trump, then I suggest the danger is real and that not addressing it is just "denial".

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We shall see. As for democracy, wouldn't that be nice? It's certain that Trump has taken over the Republican Party now. Whether that will destroy it is a fascinating and very dangerous question, as it itself remains among the most dangerous organizations in the world.

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