The wrong qestion is being asked. It is not revenue generation, but cost (labor) reduction that is relevant. Didn't Brad and Noah do a hexapodia post on this based on Noah's book review? Meanwhile Trump has apparently had an AI (ChatGPT?) rewrite a speech to make it "beautiful". Asked what did he say to the speechwriter? "You're fired". In Trump's case, he no doubt needed someone to do all the initial speech writing and then use the AI to do the rewrite. Maybe he can hire a beautiful woman to do the AI speech writing work for 15 mintes a day.

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Labor productivity.

It wold be more instructive to add plots for unemplyment rates and median income to the chart. Adding pointers to technology introduction is just pandering to the "information technology improves productivity" explanation/meme rather than possibly more important factors. After all, revenue per employee can rise simply by firing employees and having the remaining ones work harder and longer hours.

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Re: Social Control of Women

Not weird at all. My wife who had right-wing family relations was telling me the reasons for these right wing policies for years. It was always abot social control of women, and maintaining white supremacy and patriarchy.

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Christ Anstey: Investment Plans Show Pain of Fed Rates Reset:

Consistent with (though not conclusive proof) for my contention that federal deficits (in a central bank inflation targeting regime) draw resources more from investment than from consumption compared to taxes, especially if we had progressive consumption taxes instead of income taxes.

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"how devastating the Obama-era failure to prioritize full employment was:"

"how devastating the Bernanke/Yellen -era failure to prioritize real income-maximizing inflation was."

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