Key Insights:
Periodically, America has had “the frontier has closed, now scarcity rules!” panics—& they have been bad, but so far they have all been false alarms.
The “new frontier” to alleviate scarcity in America is intensive growth, right here, but more: economic poldering.
John F. Kennedy (1960): “The New Frontier”: Liberal Party Nomination Acceptance Speech <>
William H. Kilpatrick & al. (1933): The Educational Frontier <>
Perry Miller (1956): Errand into the Wilderness <>
Mancur Olson (1982): The Rise & Decline of Nations: Economic Growth, Stagflation, & Social Rigidities <>
Rick Perlstein (2001): Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater & the Unmaking of the American Consensus <>
Rick Perlstein (2008): Nixonland: The Rise of a President & the Fracturing of America <>
Noah Smith: America's Scarcity Mindset: Is Our Society Turning into a Zero-Sum Competition for Survival? <>
Lester Thurow (1980): The Zero-Sum Society: Distribution & the Possibilities for Change <>
Frederick Jackson Turner (1893): The Significance of the Frontier in American History <>
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